Tago laboratory (Data Engineering Lab)

Author: tago

Graduate Student Presented at ITME2024

The 14th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education (ITME2024), an international conference, was held from September 13 to 15, 2024.

Mr. Suzuki, a second-year master’s student from our lab, gave an online presentation and excellently introduced his research in English.

  • Y. Suzuki, Y. Sekine. K. Tago, “Analysing Relaxation Effects Through Natural Experiences Using Natural Sounds and VR Devices,” 14th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education (ITME2024). (Accepted)

We Held a Seminar Retreat

On September 3rd and 4th, we held a two-day, one-night seminar retreat at the Chiba Institute of Technology’s Onjuku Training Center. This time, it was a joint retreat with Professor Nakagawa’s lab, in addition to our own, the Tago Lab. Although Professor Nakagawa was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts, we enjoyed lively discussions in small groups and had a great time socializing and interacting with members from the other lab.

We Participated in the Open Campus Event in August

On Saturday, August 3rd, an open campus event was held at the Shin-Narashino Campus. The Tago Laboratory participated with the following learning experience projects, which were enjoyed by all visitors:

  • Experience a virtual world and visit our laboratory
  • Let’s discover user-friendly web design through a quiz

Dr. Tago Receives the Encouragement Award from the Kanto Association for Engineering Education

On Wednesday, May 23, 2024, the Kanto Association for Engineering Education held its annual general meeting, during which the awards ceremony for the Kanto Association for Engineering Education Awards took place. These awards recognize innovative approaches in engineering education, and selections are made annually to promote continuous improvement in teaching.

This year, I received the Encouragement Award for my initiative titled “Interactive Classes Utilizing a Comment System on the Lecture Screen.”

A joint social gathering of the Tago Lab and the Nakagawa Lab

On May 15, 2024, a social gathering aimed at fostering interaction between students from the Tago Laboratory and the Nakagawa Laboratory was held. The preparations were thorough, with some participants bringing games and others purchasing a large amount of alcohol, resulting in a highly successful and lively event. It appears that the students enjoyed a good break from their studies.

We conducted an exhibition at the Open Campus event

On Saturday, March 30, 2024, an Open Campus event was held at the Tsudanuma Campus. From the Tago Laboratory, we exhibited VR laboratory visits and a demonstration of sentiment analysis of YouTube comments. We were able to provide high school students with an experience of the fascinating aspects of Cognitive Informatics through these exhibits.

The final thesis presentation for the graduation research has been conducted.

The final thesis presentation for the graduation research has been conducted.

On January 23rd, the final thesis presentations took place, with eight students presenting from the Tago Laboratory. They delivered outstanding presentations and effectively responded to questions from other professors. All students were deemed to have successfully passed. This marks a wonderful conclusion to the fourth year with remarkable presentations.